Look Fors in a Math Class - Standards for Mathematical Practice
Develop a mathematical eye for observing a math class, regardless of the course level or advanced mathematical content. Are your students active mathematicians in math class? Are your students using the Mathematical Practice Standards to access the content standards, such as explicitly justifying their solution strategies? Explore the practice standards; understand their importance for exploring mathematical relationships; and assess instruction based on what students are doing during their math class using a specific walk-through tool; align these observations with your district selected evaluation tool, such as Danielson. Take away a walk-through tool created using Google Forms for observing a math class which will provide evidence to guide future professional development with your teachers.

When Life Gives You Math, You Make Mathematicians.
Everyone can learn mathematics. Teachers play a tremendous role in student success by appropriately scaffolding learning experiences. In this workshop teachers will learn how to differentiate mathematics instruction to support struggling learners, enrich advanced learners, and make the most of precious instructional time. Participants will leave the workshop with evidence-based strategies that can be implemented immediately and practices that will help teachers plan for long-term successes. The workshop is interactive, and participants will leave with resources that can be used in the classroom

Increase Your Students’ Success on Math Assessments
How do you as an educator take the next steps to move from overwhelming data and standards-based instruction to meaningful, appropriate, do-able assessments?
How can in-class quizzes and tests help students grow from success with traditional, familiar tasks, to success with the rigor and format of state assessments?
In these workshops you will experience NJSLS/PARCC-like assessments, investigate a wealth of resources, and learn how to coordinate tests that will assess students as you help them move comfortably from the traditional to master “newer” expectations.

Differentiate Instruction In Math: “It’s Not As Hard As You Think!”
In many districts students and parents are now permitted to select the course-level of their choice, even if it is not the student’s recommended placement. Teachers are faced with new challenges. How can we, as caring, dedicated professional educators, teach students at different levels of understanding and backgrounds at the same time? Can we realistically meet the needs of each student?
In these workshops, we will review the latest research with appropriate course level content. Teachers will experience a range of effective instructional and learning strategies and specific activities to keep ALL students motivated, engaged, learning and succeeding. Yes, we can meet their needs.

Building Math Fact Fluency and Self-Regulation
There are a lot of programs and interventions that claim to build math fact fluency. In this interactive PD session, participants will learn to implement self-regulated math fact fluency activities in the classroom.
3-5 or 6-8

Unpacking the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
This hands-on workshop allows teachers to unpack the standards to ensure alignment between the standards, assessments, learning objectives, and student activities. Domain specific learning progressions will be explored to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of vertical alignment of instruction. This understanding is foundational to eliminating gaps in student learning.

Guided Notes in Mathematics
This session is designed for upper grade classrooms where students are expected to take notes in class. Participants will learn how to differentiate notes without reducing student expectations to learn advanced mathematics.
3-5 or 6-8

Developing Mathematical Habits of the Mind: Thinking the Math Instead of Doing the Math
This workshop will equip teachers with resources for differentiated learning experiences that promote mathematical thinking. It will cover Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II, emphasizing rich tasks and pedagogical strategies that develop problem-solving and mathematical connections. Participants will receive hands-on materials to enhance conceptual and procedural understanding.

Developing Mathematical Habits of the Mind: Thinking the Math Instead of Doing the Math
This workshop will provide teachers with resources that engage students in meaningful differentiated learning experiences to encourage students to think mathematically. Topics in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II will be addressed that shift the focus of teaching around rich tasks. Pedagogical strategies and techniques that help students develop and foster mathematical habits of the mind through problem solving, modeling, and making mathematical connections will be discussed. Classroom-ready hands-on materials that focus on the development of conceptual and procedural knowledge will be shared.

Using Schema-Based Instruction to Improve Word Problem Achievement (+, -, x, /)
Word problems tend to be challenging for students. Students are required to read, make sense of the problem, identify the salient information, select the correct operation(s), and solve the problem. In this interactive PD session, participants will learn how to identify and teach problem types (schemas).

Lesson Planning To Maximize Student Growth In Mathematics
Wouldn’t you like to hear your students say, “Wow, I can’t believe math class is over. It went so fast; it was really fun!