Working With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
K-12 content/classroom teachers (regardless of whether they co-teach with ENL colleagues or not), ENL teachers
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
In order to address the specific language -based learning needs of English Language Learners, educators need to develop instructional skills to facilitate effective learning experiences that are culturally sensitive, support language development and are rigorous. Sheltered Instruction is the most widely-recognized research-based approach in the field of second language education and the theoretical cornerstone for this course. This methodology has also proven to be highly effective with all struggling learners, not just those for whom English is a new language.
- develop a practical understanding of sheltered instruction; Conceptualize how linguistic scaffolds can be put into place to support content learning
- construct lessons incorporating the features of the SIOP model using specifically designed lesson-planning templates
- observe and evaluate lessons for evidence of fidelity of model implementation with an emphasis on collaborative revision.